12:00 NOON – 6:00 PM | Registration Open
Commonwealth Foyer
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM | Board of Directors/Section Management meeting (by invitation only)
Maritime Room
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM | Refreshment Break
Atlantic Mezzanine
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM | Concurrent Sessions 1
Commonwealth B, Lunenburg Room
Derek Warren – Evaluating Protein Quality and Safety of Protein Powder Derived from Silver Carp:
Increasing population and resource limitations push for sustainably sourced products. Silver carp, an invasive species, can provide a sustainable source of fish protein for human consumption. The presentation will discuss the protein quality of a silver carp sarcoplasm derived protein powder compared to popular protein supplements, casein and whey, and assess safety for human consumption.
Dr. Rana Mustafa – Aquafaba: An Emerging Emulsifier from Chickpea:
Aquafaba is the liquid that results from cooking chickpeas in water. The culinary use of chickpea cooking water has expanded rapidly since its discovery in 2014 because of its emulsifying, thickening and foaming properties. Aquafaba is generally discharged as wastewater by chickpea processing facilities and consumers. This low-cost material can be transformed from a waste product into a new added-value natural food additive, which can substantially increase the sustainability of chickpea agro-industry.
Hank Wang – Formulation Tips for Choosing the Right Stevia
Stevia holds nearly 95% of the market share for natural non-nutritive sweeteners. There are more than 60 different steviol glycosides contained in the stevia leaf. While the most common one is Reb A, other commercially available ones include Stevioside, Steviolbioside, Reb B, Reb C, Reb D, Reb E, and Reb M. Sugar reduction is an increasingly important global trend and stevia can actually generate cost savings utilizing plant-based ingredients. This seminar will compare stevia to other sweeteners and provide guidance on formulating with stevia, in order to produce the best tasting product possible with the latest generation of stevia extract.
Yang Shen – Food Ingredient Safety in Sustainable Innovation
Food safety and quality research studies enable and support food processors in their effort to provide safe food ingredients to the food industry. Research studies such as shelf life, challenge, and process validation will be explained. It is important that food companies understand the nuances of these tools in light of the Safe Foods for Canadians Act. Further, this talk will provide case studies on how and when to apply these tools to several different types of food ingredients.
Siham Benribague – Evaluating the Effects of the Antimicrobial Activity of Commercial Products Against Food Pathogens in Meat
Food contamination by food pathogens and spoilage bacteria is a serious problem for human health; however, controlling of these bacteria might be done by using natural antimicrobial products. Antioxidants are a clean label alternative to chimicals in food products, a new world to explore during this talk.
Niluni M. Wijesundara – Development of a Herbal Tea Against Streptococcus Pyogenes Infection
Antibiotics are prescribed along with anti-inflammatory (pain relief) drugs for associated strep throat management. However, there are several draw backs in use of drugs such as adverse health effects and development of resistance. This presentation will explore various hot water infusions prepared from spices and herbal plant components used by Canadian traditional healers against sore throat.
Dr. Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy – Food Safety Issues with Conventional Thermal, Novel Thermal, & Nonthermal Processing of Foods
Since the invention of canning, procedures have been scientifically established and technological innovations have placed sophisticated retort equipment into commercial practice. From thermal processing techniques to ohmic heating, and nonthermal methods from high pressure to pulsed electric fields, many innovations protect processed food quality. This presentation highlights the safety issues to be considered in these processing techniques moving from conventional Appertization to novel Pascalization.
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM | Opening Reception
Alexander Keith’s Brewery (a short walk from the hotel)
1496 Lower Water Street
THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM | Registration Open
Commonwealth Foyer
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM | Breakfast
Commonwealth A Ballroom
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM | Table Top Exhibition & Poster Board Displays
Atlantic Mezzanine & Atlantic Ballroom
8:30 AM – 10:30 AM | Opening Plenary
Commonwealth A Ballroom
DR. SYLVAIN CHARLEBOIS – Since when has Gwyneth Paltrow become more influential than Canada’s food guide? Gaps, opportunities, and our acute misunderstanding of how sustainable innovation can make food systems more relevant
DR. STUART SMYTH – Are Food & Agriculture Innovations Impacting Global Food Security?
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM | Refreshment Break & Table Top Exhibition/Poster Boards
Atlantic Mezzanine, Atlantic Ballroom
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Concurrent Sessions 2
Lunenburg Room, Commonwealth B
Brooke Smith – Sustainability and Dietary Guidelines
The growing interest in incorporating the environmental impact of food production into the health impacts of food consumption spans from researchers to governments and into the private sector. This presentation will review examples to illustrate this movement, including federal nutrition guidelines, private sector industry groups, and ways that Barry Callebaut is looking at healthier, more sustainable chocolate.
Saji George – Nanotechnology in Sustainable Food Systems: Discerning the Basic Principles
Long term sustainability of any new technological intervention in Agri-Food sector is determined by how it respond to obligations of economic, environmental and societal pressures pertinent to the industry. By taking examples from research, this talk will discuss a general frame work for developing sustainable nanotechnology for food and agriculture applications.
Flora Wang – Reduced Consumption of Sugars Among Canadians
The oral presentation discusses changes in the consumption of total, free, and added sugars among Canadians children and adults based on the Canadian Community Health Survey 2015 and 2004. It provides a detailed breakdown of the sources of dietary sugars by age group and food/beverage categories in order to provide a clear understanding of sugars consumption in Canada.
Janet C. Tou – Apple Pomace Consumption Attenuates Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Rats Fed a Western Diet
Apple pomace is a processing waste product that contributes to environmental pollution. Yet, apple pomace is rich in dietary fibers and antioxidant polyphenols with potential to reduce non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) development and progression. The presentation will address apple pomace as a dietary treatment for NAFLD.
Trust Beta – Provitamin A Carotenoids Retention During Processing and Bioaccessiblity of Carotenoids of Maize-based Products
Vitamin A deficiency can be alleviated in populations relying on maize-based staple foods through prioritizing the production of yellow/orange maize enhanced in carotenoids. The levels of carotenoids in maize grown in several regions will be discussed along with efforts to identify varieties notably high in these compounds.
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM | Luncheon
Commonwealth A Ballroom
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM | Poster Boards & Table Top Exhibition
Atlantic Mezzanine, Atlantic Ballroom
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM | CIFST Annual General Meeting of Members
Lunenburg Room
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM | Refreshment Break & Table Top Exhibition/Poster Boards
Atlantic Mezzanine, Atlantic Ballroom
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM | Concurrent Sessions 3
Lunenburg Room, Commonwealth B
Mark Cornthwaite – Consumer Segments in North America
Primary market research helps developers really understand what customers want from their food and beverage products. The presentation will explain the different consumer segments in north America, the differences between target consumer segments and their purchase drivers, consumer ingredient perceptions of over 60 ingredients, and the realities of succeeding with clean label products.
Amy Bowen – Consumer Attitudes Towards Edible Flowers
Edible flowers are trending as an emerging ingredient with increased interest from consumers, culinary professionals and ingredient manufacturers. Whole Foods listed flowers as the top flavour trend of 2018 and 2019 flavour lists have edible flowers such as violet and lavender as flavours to watch. This presentation will highlight results from a two-year research study looking at edible flower opportunities and provide data on consumer perception, hedonic drivers, market segments from both in-person and online studies.
Margaret Thibodeau – Consumer Perceptions of Beer: The Role of Individual Differences
Taste plays a key role in a consumer’s attitude towards food products and can influence the consumption of that product. One factor, thermal taster status, is determined when the tongue is warmed or cooled, whereby thermal tasters experience phantom taste sensations, while thermal non-tasters do not. Using temporal-check-all-that-apply sensory methodology, we simultaneously investigated the impact of thermal taster status and serving temperature on the perception of beer.
Yongfeng Ai – Functional Properties, Nutritional Value, and Bread-Baking Performance of Germinated Pulse Flours
This presentation will focus on the impacts of short-term germination on the functional properties of yellow pea and faba bean flours, in-vitro digestibility and quality of starch and protein of germinated pulse flours, and dough properties and bread-baking performance of composite flours derived by replacing hard wheat flour with germinated pulse flours.
Anubhav Pratap Singh – Influence of Pulsed Light on the Quality and Nutritional Attributes of White Grapes
The presentation will address the application of pulsed light technology and its impact on post-harvest safety of grapes. An increment of the total phenolics in grapes has been observed in our latest research work, and shows a possibility of increasing phenolic content in grapes by pulsed light application while maintaining the sensory attributes.
Roopesh Mohandas- Application of Atmospheric Cold Plasma Technology to Improve Food Safety and Sustainability
This presentation focuses on the application of atmospheric cold plasma (ACP) technology to improve food safety and sustainability. ACP is a novel non-thermal technology with the potential to reduce pathogenic microorganisms in foods. Case studies on evaluating the antimicrobial application of ACP technology at different process conditions and post-treatment storage will be discussed.
Siyuan Liu – Behaviors of Starches Evaluated at High Heating Temperatures Using a New Model of Rapid Visco Analyzer
This presentation introduces the usage of the RVA 4800 viscometer to determine the pasting properties of representative waxy, normal, and high-amylose starches at high temperatures. The acquired new knowledge of starch structural-functional relationship is meaningful for the industry to assess the functional properties of starch ingredients over a broad range of cooking temperatures. This research also offered insights for the effective utilization of starch ingredients to prepare high-quality food products under high temperature processing conditions.
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Cocktail Reception & Awards Dinner
Commonwealth Ballroom
FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2019
7:00 AM – 12 NOON | Registration Open
Commonwealth Foyer
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM | Breakfast
Commonwealth A Ballroom
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM | Concurrent Sessions 4
Lunenburg Room, Commonwealth B
Jun Song – Application of Integrated “omics” Approach to Improve and Maintain Quality of Apples Fruit: Insights, Limitation, and Challenges
This presentation will focus on recent technological and intellectual advances in the application of omics technologies on apples to understand the control mechanisms of desirable quality attributes. From the insights, the limitation and challenges for the application of omics will be addressed. Our mode of omics system can also be applied to other fruit and food products.
Kathleen Kevany – Dating and Marrying a Sustainable Diet
Imagine a world that is free from climate change, where the health and well-being of humans and animals and eco-systems are priorities of governments, citizens, and businesses. Imagine getting excited by sustainable diets. It’s happening. Conscious producers and compassionate consumers are igniting new partnerships. This session illuminates emerging opportunities when we’re sensitive to agriculture, food, and well-being and proposes ideas on how to first date, and then marry sustainable diets.
Yvonne Yuan – Edible Seaweeds as an Emerging Functional Food and Ingredient
This presentation will focus on the uniqueness of edible seaweeds as an example of sustainable innovation for functional food with a growing market. The research presented will highlight key biological activities of unique red seaweed constituents. These seaweeds are of interest and value to the Atlantic Canadian mariculture industries.
Albert Sey – Cool Climate Conditions Improved the Nutritional Value of Canola: Implications in the Potential of Canola as a High-Value Niche Crop for Commercial Production in Newfoundland and Labrador
Canola oil is one of the most important healthy edible vegetable oils was cultivated for the first time in Newfoundland and Labrador to investigate the potential of canola as a source of high-value animal feed and vegetable oils for animal and human consumption. The average growing temperature in NL is cooler than major canola producing regions, favorably altering the lipids nutritional composition of canola produced in the Province.
Prasanth K.S. Pillai – Effect of Enzyme Modified Pectin on the Complex Coacervation with Pea Protein Isolate Under Different Solvent and Mixing Conditions
This presentation examines the enzymatic treatment of pea protein isolates that will lead to the improved utilization of pea protein as food and or a biomaterial ingredient.
Natalia Prieto Vidal – Assessment of the Nutritional Quality of Newfoundland Freshwater Eels Collected at Different Growing Habitats in the Province
Fish is an important nutritional source of proteins and essential fatty acids. Freshwater American eel is a native fish species in the cold waters of Newfoundland and Labrador. It is known that the lipid composition of fish is influenced by fish growing conditions and diet. This presentation focuses on the study of fatty acid composition of freshwater eel collected at 3 habitats in NL.
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM | Refreshment Break
Atlantic Mezzanine
11:00 AM – 12:00 NOON | Concurrent Sessions 5
Lunenburg Room, Commonwealth B
Rob Kowal, President, Kriscor & Associates and CIFST President-Elect
What are the primary market drivers for global food trends in 2019? How does a shifting consumer focus on health and wellness affect the industry? What are the latest product offerings from around the world? From millennials to aging boomers and fresh foods to smart technology, the food industry is undergoing tremendous change and upheaval as a result of several key market drivers. This session will explore the current shifting landscape of the food and beverage sector while taking a deeper dive into some of the resulting impacts of consumer choice and demand on the products coming to the global market.
Steve Cui, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
This talk will provide an overview of currently available and potential natural hydrocolloids that could be used as clean Label food additives. The presentation will describe the sources of production, structure characteristics and functional properties of naturally produced hydrocolloids, including viscosity enhancing, emulsion stabilization and formation of gels. Examples in food formulations will be provided for discussion.
12:00 NOON – 1:30 PM | Luncheon (with Speaker Tareq Hadhad)
Commonwealth A Ballroom
Keynote Address – TAREQ HADHAD – Peace By Chocolate
1:30 PM | Conference Close